john CHEW [lousy fuzzy bunny]

elissa and jasmine
and our group's led by josephine, shuxiang and shane. :] i think they did a wonderful job! :D haha. but the MOST unexpected part of the whole race is that MOSES TAN's group actually came in FIRST! hahaha! maybe it's cos of the ATTRACTIVE PRIZE - $20 swensens voucher that spurred moses on! WOW! he sure has stamina man! hahaha. not bad lah. i actually met my secondary / primary school friends, baoxian and yining. haha! i like suddenly hear "BERNADETTE!!!" while i was running to the end point! turned my head around, but couldn't really see who's that. haha! how hilarious, so after we ended the race i went to look for them with eunice. haha. palawan beach is sure a place to chill man. :D haha!
anyway, we had fun man! haha, the whole band went to have dinner at harbourfront centre after that. AND GOSH! thanks to peace

who so
i can't believe i have PE on mondays and tuesdays :S and i DWNA train for NAPFA! i dwna run 2.4!!!!! I PROTEST! actually 2.4km run doesn't test your fitness! it tests your willpower! cos even if you don't feel tired physically, your mind will keep telling you to give up and just walk. then on the other hand, you have to keep telling yourself "NO! c'mon! you can do it! I AM NOT TIRED! i can do it!" ARGH! i had this torturous SIX rounds around the BORING track, where you keep seeing repeated "scenery" and the number of rounds left doesn't even encourage you at all, when you constantly have to think of it while you run 400m :X
anyway, i have no choice but to go through the stupid NAPFA. so yeah.
GOSH! it's like really raining cats and dogs here now. and a SUPER DUPER BRIGHT lightning just flashed across the sky. i hope it didn't kill anybody. it was followed by a SUPER DUPER LOUD thunder :X gosh! how thank god it didnt rain yesterday. if not ALL the effort of our band seniors will be wasted. haha!
anyway, cos of orientation yesterday, i missed swimming with the usual few :[ AWWWW, but nvm. there's always NEXT TIME :] haha!