anyway, kinda having some mixed feelings now. i'm excited becos we're going to Perth this saturday! with SAJC Concert Band. well, which is in less than 2 days! WOOHOO! isn't that exciting? haha! yeshhh! i'm TOTALLY excited and thrilled to find out where we're visiting! but well, at the same time, i feel kinda sad. cos hai, if not for this trip i'll be able to be part of the organising committee of YCS's own Amazing Race. but well, and also due to band prac and prep, i couldn't make it for sooooo many numerous exco meeting. and yupp, i think the 43rd YCS exco is like collapsing. well, i guess in EVERY batch there will definitely be this problem towards the end of the year. i mean people will naturally become sian half. but THANK GOD we have people like fernie and camillus who never fails to be there for YCS. unlike us. :( so here's my deepest apologies to them! SORRY! i'll make sure i come for the exco meetings after my perth trip, which wouldn't be many anyway.
ALRIGHTY, lemme share my HAPPY feelings! :D
last weekend, the FEW OF US had a chalet at Coasta Sands Resort at Downtown East. :DDDD wheeee! even though we didn't manage to get ALL of us, due to ONE poor injured soul who had to stay at home to recuperate and also attend a wedding dinner at night. but other than him, the FIVE of US manage to stay over night for just ONE night. well, we didn't really stay up late too. slept at 1+ am cos we ALL had to go to school for various reasons the next day. therefore, we had to treasure the very short time we had with each other. and yupp! though it was definitely not sufficient for us to catch up with everything that we missed out in each others life for the past five months. but i'm sure it was definitely enough for us to cherish the mere presence of each one of us. ESPECIALLY my darlingest bestie! <3

haha! taking pics in the bathroom can be one of the hobbies of girls :]
anyway, it's late. and i got a THREE HOUR LONG ECONS TUTORIAL tmr morn. :X guess i better get going. :)