CONGRATS S24 for our commendable effort put into today's Amazing Race. HAHA. can you believe it? i think it's AMAZING that my class can get 2nd in the WHOLE cohort in this Amazing Race, HAHA. we started off just strolling around. but ended up being the FIRST class in Gomes House to complete the race. hahah! that shows HOW SLACK gomesians are. haha! anyway, we went on to win the 1st runner-up position in the ice-cream eating competition. competing to see which class can finish 16 scoops of Ben&Jerry's haha! anyway, thanks to Clarence, Gabriel and Yilyn we came in second!!! YAY!!! :D
anyway, the rest of the day was spent waitin for CCA to start and CCA. :X
anyway, check out our glorious smiles!

alright, yay! go S24! i'm sure we'll still be S24 ALTOGETHER next yr! :D