Oral Presentation is FINALLY over! :DDDD 3 cheers for that! haha! and great thing is we ended earlier! and thankgoodness i went home to bathe and wash off that disgusting hair spray first. i tell you, my class is UBER slow. GOSH! like after i finished bathing they're STILL only walking around suntec lookin for a place to eat. HA! and after eating my
Subway. walked around. decided to go
Cathay for a movie. caught
Flushed Away with shimah, kylie, FERNIE, darryl, chuanyang, gabriel, leonard, zhengjie and kenneth :D paid only $3.90 each for the movie ticket okay! cos we had the 1 for 1 ticket free :DDDD before the movie went to Ben&Jerry's :DDD

Doesn't it just looks sooo tempting?
anyway, went to Carrefour in PS after the show. hahaha. this was what we were doing. WALKING around till we're hungry then went for dinner :)

Kylie and the Bear


Ber the Bear

Elephand and Hippo

so ate Auntie Anne's and sat at KFC for a while. fnee and i then went to Best to check the cameras out :D
went home after that.
anyway, tired. VERY tired. there's stil I&R :XXX
anyway, time for NIGHT MODE :D NIGHTS.