29 January 2007


today's Darryl's and Cam's birthday but poor cam is in camp. awwww. but nvm, the other person had a pretty surprising birthday celebration(i hope). haha! cos thanks to Chuan Yang's idea of replacing a cake with a pau and Clar's brilliant idea of giving him a fireball because he always call her Charizard. hahaha! however, due to unforeseen circumstances, we couldn't buy a pau. so we substitute it with a burger instead. HOWEVER, the cake burger was suppose to be FILLED with EIGHTEEN small candles but we only had enough for eight small ones and a big one. This is all credit to Leonard Leong. gosh! he was suppose to bring candles, but somehow he didn't. another disappointing thing was Gabriel Han was supposed to bring SOMETHING. but he didn't. i tell you, GUYS are soooo not trustworthy. -________-

anyway, on a lighter note, we had interclass captain's ball game instead of the usual NAPFA training. :D with 06S07. however, we ended the match rather unhappy. due to some reasons, but PEACE OUT everyone! let's just let bygones be bygones. besides, it's suppose to be FRIENDLY match. hahaha!

well, another "exciting" thing is our SAJC Cross-Country this wednesday. seriously, i don't know if i should anticipate it or -_______-. cos i'm excited cos i get to miss FOUR hrs of tutorial :) but the :\ thing is i don't wanna run :XX but it's alright, i will rather have a day out then sit in that classroom.

anyway, the sad thing is we can't have class outing cos of CCA. but it's alright :D CCA's gonna be fun too! i mean, i always believe that hard work pays off! anyway, i think other classmates have their own CCAs too. but we can always have class lunch :) yay!!!!

alrighty! hahaha! i was telling Shimah during our TORTUROUS one and half hours of Math lect just now that the ONLY good thing about weekdays is my 9pm show, The Peak. HEHEHE! :]

okay! think it's dinner time! and after dinner shall practise violin, attempt econs tut and watch tv! then it's bedtime! WOW! i'm soooo organised. hahaha! (if only everything will be carried out as planned)