here are some photos! wait till i get more from clar!

OUR St Nicholas canteen. the best canteen in Singapore :DDD

WHOO! hot toast!

Mian Xian Aunty!

PiangPiang! Our beloved Mr Gan, Physics teacher who likes to go "Yes, No Ger?"

my Bestie and our dearest juniors :D
more to come! anticipate! and meanwhile, lemme show you my LOVES :DDD

MY Elvin Ng! :))))

MY nephew, George. (who according to Fernie, looks like Elvin Ng) i mean, DUH they're equally cute :DD) hahhaa! i'll wait for him to grow up to look like elvin ng man! hahahha!
but anyway, those are my dreams and dreams will only be dreams. so yeah. but sometimes it feels pretty good to be in a dream, stay away from reality. cos reality is cruel. :\
anyway, maybe i should really do some work :S but i'm TIREDDDDD! and muscle aches EVERYWHERE! bcos of PE yesterday :\\\\ haiiiii. and TWO tests on monday, Econs and Math lect test :S
but it's alright! shall look forward to next THURSDAY for more good food! and mian xian aunty promised to keep fried food for us. YIPPEEE! :]