check out all the fun stuff we did!
bought my first alcohol here ;) thankgoodness i was there. if not they also cannot drink :P
enjoying Ben&Jerry's :)
while i enjoy my nice and cool Snapple :)
look at our cute juniors!
FINALLY the most realistic-looking pose. check out the many failed attempts on fernie's Multiply. haha!
I <3 U
they're trying to form ber. TRY your best to imagine :P
this is bEr. :)
this is Cute Clovie.
HAHA. they gotta sweep the beds!
we FLOAT! :D
AWWWW. the end of our sentosa tanning session :(
went for dinner at New York Pizza :) really ate our FILL. finally home. :DD
yet another day gone to waste :\ haha. okay ber! you better study ULTRA hard tmr!!