13 August 2007

Last saturday was YCS 51st Anniversary celebrations! haha, it was pretty tiring for me. as the vice-in-charge. had to scream and shout at rowdy kids :S but thankgoodness for my DEAREST friends! whom i have not met for a LOOOOOOOONG LOOOOOOOONG time :) they made me forget all my troubles and tiredness! hehe. here's my favourite people of all times! :DD

From left: Gareth, Fernie, Desiree, Donavan, Alvan and Ronald :DDDD wheee!!!!

and here's the committee of YCS 51st Anni

1st row, from left: Me, Clovie and Jovan ; 2nd row, from left: Daphne, Simon, Irwin, Tamara and Vanessa

anyway, still havnt gotten band dinner photos. haha! but i've got one that's even better. HAHA. shall show off my nail. hehe. prepare to be grossed out man! let me warn you that the following images are not for the faint hearted. so please close this window if you don't want to waste your last meal. haha!

that's my recovering nail which is coming off :\ and damn scared that i'll accidentally pull it off man. but i dwna cut it cos i wanna keep the WHOLE nail :( so now gotta tahan!! AHHHHH!GROW NAIL GROW!!!

oh! almost forgot, yesterday went Outback for lunch with Besties and Ree's family to celebrate Ree's 18th birthday! haha! don't know is it the waiters don't believe that our this Niao Lei (birdie) is 18 or what? they only put 1 big and 2 small candles on her NYDC chocolate cake. haha! goshhh. our 12-year-old, HAPPY EARLY EIGHTEENTHTWELFTH BIRTHDAY!!! (in case i'll go offline before 12am) may you blessed with joy and beauty always! :D LOVE YA!

anyway, think i should go hit my books now =( while waiting for fernie to come online. ahhhh!