07 September 2007

yay! i'm happy i don't have to attend YCS exco meeting tmr! hehe. cos my aunt's coming over to celebrate my birthday with me :) hehe. yay! finally something exciting to look forward to. after a whole BORING week of nothing but time-wasting and trying-to-study-but-to-no-avail :S

the most interesting day and thing was catching Secret and Ratatouille with Fernie and Wan Jin :D and OH BOY! those two shows are REALLLLY good. i LOVED Secret cos it's just SOOO nice. the storyline, actors and actresses, music... Ratatouille was simply HILARIOUS! and the rats are oh-so-adorable!!! hahaha! it's amazing how they can make something so disgusting and gross in real life look so damn cute. haha! Ratatouille's DEFINITELY worth five stars! :)

yupp, caught Hairspray last last week too. i bet you all are wondering how the hell i find so much time to watch moviess when it's like halfway through prelims? hehe. time's arranged by ourselves. butttt, i just hope that it's not too much of a trade-off in terms of my results man.

AHHHH! i seriously gotta stop procrastinating. my productivity level these few days is SERIOUSLY damn low :\ every night i watch both 7pm and 9pm shows. :S AHHHHH. okayyy. BER! you really gotta start MUGGING man. like NOW NOW NOW NOW. :(

i came online hoping i can catch Naruto Shippuuden 28. but seems like there's no naruto :((((( sad.