haha! check this out!

a rainbow INDOORS! hahaha! how cool is tht?
anyway, i just indulged in a bottle of PURE birds' nest! WOW! mamamia! hahahahha!
i bet many of you are jealous. AWWWWW. :P
had a J1 BBQ party at the whiteman's house. HAHA. the whiteman is Mr Glosz, SAJC band conductor. haha! really ate our fill! look at this!

haha! this proves that GIRLS won't lose to GUYS man! hahaha! watch our appetite man!
anyway, it was quite fun lah. haha! now we know who SOME people wanna shoot, shag and marry. HAHA!
alright, anyways, SAJC band concert is coming REAL soon. like in another FIVE DAYS? OH NO! ahhhhhhh!
nvm! i'm sure we'll do a great job!
anyways, i've already sacrificed my chance to watch St Nicks cheerleading cos of band prac. it better be good man. YAH!
YELLOW is third!! but NVM! our theme is cool! so is our cheer!!! =]=]=] hahahahha! yeah man!
haha, anyways, tmr gotta do GP presentation :X nvm nvm, better get it over and done with.
AHHHH! waiting for YCS exco mtg to see my BESTIE :D that's like my ONLY chance i can see her. :( miss her SOOO badly. i feel so guilty for not going back to stnicks with her last friday. AHHHH! but cannot lah. in order not to disappoint her this coming friday, i gotta prac hard! :D I KNW YOU UNDERSTAND! :]
anyways, hmmmmm, i'm pretty excited bout concert actually. but it's really quite sad too. cos it's gonna be SOME PEOPLE's LAST concert. AWWWWWWWW. we'll definitely miss those seniors man! AWWWWWW! cos i know withour them, the perc section WILL be different. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
but nevertheless, we will still put in our best effort! yay!!!!!
alrighty! time for me to go! haha. lalala!
hmmm, it has been really a LOOOOONG time since i've blog. haha, this blog has been stagnant for like God knows how long. haha. anyway, that's cos i'm always so busy with everything :S like just had Band Camp from last friday to sunday. it was really tiring, but worthwhile. :D really got to know our seniors better :] haha! slept at the tennis court on the second night. it was rather cool! haha, we spent the last night bonding with the section, then we went to roam around the school at like 3am. haha, then
sylvia, zhi qi, peace, ben, joo yeow and i decided to go to the tennis court and (oops) we saw a couple lying in the middle of the tennis court. haha, shan't disclose who are they. but anyway, it was cool!

check out me and rebecca and
band camp was rather fun. (weirdly fun) haha, we had fun climbing up the ladder to the ceiling at the backstage. haha! had fun ROLLING around on the roller chairs. haha! and yupp! prepared for our concert
05 May 2006
SAJC Cultural Centre
$6anyways, then was busy doing my PI before that lah. stupid S**** rejected everything. then gotta redo. thank god i've finished :DDD haha!
anyway, i'm angray/sad/disappointed that i can't go back for St Nicks sports carnival tomorrow. :S cos of band prac. AHHHHH! miss my
bestie soo much! nvm dear! hopefully can see you on monday! haha, at exco mtg. yupp! and yeshhh! missed VJ dance concert cos of band camp. so sorry felicia! couldn't go support you! but fret not! for i was there SPIRITUALLY :] haha! and gosh! i just realise that i might not be able to make it for
SAJC dance concert
04 August 2006 ONCE again! cos of bamd prac :X haiii, sad man. think clar's gna kill me. cos i've alr promise her that i'll support her. HOW NOW?? :(
anyway, on monday i was SOOOO tired after PE cos i only slept for two hours on sunday morning, i was sleeping on the gallery. and CHEEKOPEK class rep happily went to pose beside me and took photo. HAHA! cos i'm the polar bear of the class. HAHA!

haha! see what i mean! thanks lah CHEEKO!
anyway, we had praadta bonding that day on good friday :] miss
them soo much! we just chilled at my house but it's still nice. gosh! i'm really missing days in StNicks. just those WHEEE-DAYS. orange bowl days! rou wan mian sian days! :X hai, NO MORE OF ANY OF THOSE! how sad! and no more HERWOOD. hahaa!
anyway anyway, i should go sleep. tired lahs. :\
yay! happy ber is happy now! cos she just finished typing and editing her script for tmr's YCS spiritual day! :D wheeee!
and ber is happy cos she went out with her darlingS today! haha, first had a CG outing to dao hui. then had a NICE, BITCHY talk with clarDARLING. haha. we had FUN! ranking ppl. hahahahhaha! then went to chill at the mrt cos like fernie says only needa meet at FOUR! and i was already on NEL at THREE. so we stopped at boon keng and just sat at the bench and TALKED. haha. and LAUGHED. haha.

we were majorly trying to ACT. haha, but FAILED TERRIBLY. haha, had like THOUSANDS of NGs. hahaha! it was TOTALLY hilarious. we were SO glad boon keng is most of the time, EMPTY. haha!
anyway, after that met up with fernie and desiree and went to shop shop shop. though i only WINDOW shopped. haha, but it's ALWAYS nice to meet friends :D haha. and it was fun to have FUN in the fitting room. haha! check this one out man!

haha! yeah man! those fitting rooms are nice and cosy! just the RIGHT place for afternoon naps for SLACKY salesgirls like REE lah. haha!
anyways, tomorrow is YCS spiritual day. WAHHH, tmr's a LOOOOOOOONG day. cos before that i still gotta go for band. hmmm, anyway, speaking bout band.
SAJC band is having a
6 May 2006 at
SAJC Cultural Centre and tickets are at a LOW LOW LOW price of ONLY
$6!!! [which is only 1buck more than CO's and GOSH! our repertoire is DUH much nicer and CHALLENGING! thus, it's REAL, VALUE-FOR-MONEY concert! :D]
anyway, besides the SAJC band concert,
VJC dance is also having a performance on
21 & 22 april at
VJ. tickets priced at
$10. yupp! gna support
FELICIA YEO. she's having sth like a solo performance. so DO GO DOWN TO SUPPORT HER! :]
alright, i really gotta run to bed. if not tmr i'll REALLY look like panda ber, instead of polar ber. :)
the longest day of the week has passed! :D haha, not bad lah. our class had a bonding session by sharing

shared THE chicken with seven people in total. haha! we ate until we almost died. haha!
GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST to TEAM SAJC! :D fight to the end man! you are all winners!
one family unbroken...
yesterday was SAJC band orientation. WAH! it was like DAMN tiring man. haha, had this amazing race. around the WHOLE sentosa. haha! thank god we had good weather, which was NOT that sunny, but not rainy =] haha! anyways, my group came in SECOND! even though we were the FOURTH group to set off. haha! cos we played
Fuzzy Bunny before the race start, to determine which group can leave first. and gosh! i ALMOST made it. haha! you should have seen man! our mouths FOAMING of marshmallow. haha! YUCK! hmmm, i was in group FOUR! with john chew, jasmine and elissa.

john CHEW [lousy fuzzy bunny]

elissa and jasmine
and our group's led by josephine, shuxiang and shane. :] i think they did a wonderful job! :D haha. but the MOST unexpected part of the whole race is that MOSES TAN's group actually came in FIRST! hahaha! maybe it's cos of the ATTRACTIVE PRIZE - $20 swensens voucher that spurred moses on! WOW! he sure has stamina man! hahaha. not bad lah. i actually met my secondary / primary school friends, baoxian and yining. haha! i like suddenly hear "BERNADETTE!!!" while i was running to the end point! turned my head around, but couldn't really see who's that. haha! how hilarious, so after we ended the race i went to look for them with eunice. haha. palawan beach is sure a place to chill man. :D haha!
anyway, we had fun man! haha, the whole band went to have dinner at harbourfront centre after that. AND GOSH! thanks to
who so
brilliantly suggested to WALK across the causeway. so yeah, like by the time we all reached harbourfront it was almost NINE i think. cos we were all DYING while walking. starved, exhausted. GOSH! it was a LOOONG and PAINFUL walk. so yesh, i think i lost quite some weight yesterday. BUT! thanks to today's lunch, i think i just gained back those weight that i so painfully lost. :X i had a VERY VERY VERY hearty lunch at meritus mandarin,
pine court today. cos we had a gathering to meet my brother's future in-laws. haha! yupp! so i got a feeling i CANNOT run tomorrow lah! gosh! :\
i can't believe i have PE on mondays and tuesdays :S and i DWNA train for NAPFA! i dwna run 2.4!!!!! I PROTEST! actually 2.4km run doesn't test your fitness! it tests your willpower! cos even if you don't feel tired physically, your mind will keep telling you to give up and just walk. then on the other hand, you have to keep telling yourself "NO! c'mon! you can do it! I AM NOT TIRED! i can do it!" ARGH! i had this torturous SIX rounds around the BORING track, where you keep seeing repeated "scenery" and the number of rounds left doesn't even encourage you at all, when you constantly have to think of it while you run 400m :X
anyway, i have no choice but to go through the stupid NAPFA. so yeah.
GOSH! it's like really raining cats and dogs here now. and a SUPER DUPER BRIGHT lightning just flashed across the sky. i hope it didn't kill anybody. it was followed by a SUPER DUPER LOUD thunder :X gosh! how thank god it didnt rain yesterday. if not ALL the effort of our band seniors will be wasted. haha!
anyway, cos of orientation yesterday, i missed swimming with the usual few :[ AWWWW, but nvm. there's always NEXT TIME :] haha!