HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY TO ALL MOTHERS!today's mothers' day. haha, going to
jack's place for dinner later. YAY!
haha, there's another happy thing that happened this week :D which is... our section stayover at peace's house on Vesak Day till saturday! WHEEEE! haha, it was quite cool man! peace's house is like HUGE?! goshhh! i think we should have more stayovers! ;)
anyway, joo yeow and i arrived at her house at like THREE in the afternoon? cos it was the designated time of meeting, but SOMEHOW.. jasmine and sylvia only turned up at 1645, zhi qi only came at 8+ at night [cos she says she's only COMING, not RUSHING] HAHA! and wanling and yingjia only came at about 9+ , 10. then ben came, and finally rebecca came after the college play. haha, so there you have it - our percussion
section minus momo and lilian. :( so alright, we ordered canadian pizza and KFC for dinner. haha, cos ALL of us were too lazy to go out to buy food, and yupp! we had the slave of the section - LJY. hahaha! he was like peace's 2nd maid in the house. HAHA. until jasmine came, she was like the housekeeper, opened gates for guest, prepare the food and blah blah. HAHA. lucky peace! what a TAI TAI. hahahaha!
alright, so when EVERYBODY came, we watched
drumline. yupp! cool show! haha, and after the show, yingjia played some ballet show, which of cos dont interest much people. and after much deciding, they changed to
saturday night fever. HA! but in the end nobody watched it cos we decided to just listen to our concert and talk. yupp! so we talked and blah blah abit, slept at about 3+, 4 in the morning. haha! it was really quite amazing that we could actually wake up in time for band. HAHA. and we actually wanted to order macs breakfast, but no one could wake up in time to order, so we skipped breakfast. :X
oh man! i'm starting to miss the stayover!

me and wanling looking at ____
i kinda miss the craziness of yingjia and jasmine that night. haha! due to the bacardi. HAHA.
anyways, we had section brunch after band, then J1 section outing to
swee lee and
national library. i tell you it's the COOLEST section outing ever! haha, i mean how many sections actually go hang out at the library, looking at other schools' yearbooks and bitch. haha! and actually we were only whispering, but this old lady had to go complain about us, so the librarian came and told us to shuush. WHATEVER. we weren't even disturbing anyone! ayee, but it's alright. it's still the coolest section outing ever. haha! though rebecca spent most of the time sleeping. HAHA. sometimes we're really pretty jealous bout her, since she really loves to eat and sleep, and she really does eat and sleep alot, but she's still so tall and sleek. :X how unfair.
anyways, i donno what happened to blogger. but i can't see anything on my blog except the background. and so i wanted to blog again, but i can't remember what i said just now. so i shall just end here. :]
lalala! i just had the SLACKEST day in my JC life. haha! i mean, not like i've been very hardworking for the past five months. but today is SERIOUSLY the SLACKEST day EVER! haha. cos my class, 06S24 had like
FIVE HOURS of break. i mean that is only for those who don't take chinese. but even for those who take chinese they had 3.5hours of break. which if obviously not bad already. haha! so WHY did i have TEN periods of break? HAHA. it's all cos
NO SUZIE = NO GP + PW! HAHAHA! shioks only! so i practically spent the whole day in the Student Centre? i think they guys played carrom until sian, changed to monopoly. and jeremy can play until backache. like LAO AH PEK i tell you. haha. so our whole class was like in the SC. except the scholars and
IT. anyway, it was fun lah. played the (whtevr you call it) game. HAHA. the one which you scoop the marbles and drop it one by one blah blah. HAHA. anyways, really enjoyed today's school. cos we only attended TWO LECTURES in total. :DDDD wheeeee! i hope we have more of this type of school days. haha! and tomorrow is Vesak Day! which adds to my joy! gonna have a section stayover at peace's house. :] WHEEEE! alright alright, i better contain my excitement for tmr. HAHA :D
yay! no band prac today! to let us rest :D so we did some cleaning up of the band room, since the band room was in a BIG mess after the concert. haha! but cos we cleared up our percussion instruments and stuff already. so peace, zhiqi and i ended up packing the percussion archives. GOSH! you should have seen the AMOUNT of papers/scores. HAHA! and so after our section mates finish packing, they decided to lay out ALL our sticks/mallets/timpani sticks/bass drums sticks/even chimes mallets. haha. check this out!

haha, how is it man? cool eh? HAHA. anyways, friday is Vesak Day. YAY! no school! and we're gna have section stayover at
peace's house. haha! how exciting!
anyway, today is a rather slack day too. cos no
SUZIE! hahaha! so we had like two and a half hours of break. slacked at the
Student Centre. haha! and tomorrow we're gonna have FIVE HOURS plus of break. cos
NO SUZIE = NO GP + NO PW! HAHHAHAHA! how cool is that? and plus we don't have chinese. WAHHH. shioks only! :DDDD
haha, i bet many of you are jealous? haha! awwwwwwww. ;P
yesterday was SAJC band concert,
i think it was not bad. though i think it was more succesful during the rehearsals. :X cos i screwed up my xylo part and vibes part for Impressions of Japan :X hai. but nevermind, thankgoodness second half was more interesting since we played narnia and when saints march around the world. haha! cos SOME PEOPLE say the first half was very boring =( hai, but we've really really put in our utmost effort in preparing for the concert already! like LATE nights, intensive practice!
anyway, to all
SAJC BAND MEMBERS, esp PERCUSSION SECTION: YOU GUYS DID A WONDERFUL JOB YTD! :D yay! just keep up the good work for perth trip! :] haha, even though you may screw up your part. just take it as a learning experience for perth trip! c: yay!!
to the
perc seniorsmomo: thanks! you've been a GREAT SL! leading us through this period of preparations for the concert. we'll NV pull through this concert without you man! thanks for making us laugh with your stupidity. HAHA! and silliness!
lilian: thanks for teaching me mallets! :D and yay! without you animations will never sound that nice :]
joo yeow: thank you for enduring the pain in your back just to put up a good drumline performance! :D and you are really appreciated by all of us! even though you seem to be the one always kena shoot by us. HAHA! but don't worry! and yupp! we should have a BBQ soon!!! :DDDDD go organise k. yay!
peace: thanks for your encouragement and compliments! and definitely your VORANGE! hahaha! i think you did a great job too! yeshhh! i love your suspended lah!
ben: HAPPY EARLY EIGHTTEENTH BIRTHDAY! anyway, you did a absolutely fantanstic job! without you, i really can't imagine who will play your snare part for IOJ. haha. anyway, keep up the good work for perth! :D hahaha.
J1 percssylvia: you did a great job k! don't be too discouraged by wht the whiteman says. cos yeshh! just treat it like an experience for us to perform even better in perth :D
zhiqi: yay! you did a great job on the drumset k! so must continue working hard and be a GOOD drummer :D but of cos, not in comparison with momo and ben lah. :X haha.
wanling: THANKS FOR YOUR BLAZER soooo much! haha! i think it's really god's will man! hahaha, mine too small and yours too big. and TADA! yay!!! mutual swop does the magic! hahaha! anyway, great job done! can't wait for perth to rock the house down together!
yingjia: i think you're really a good dancer knw! haha, and even peace says you did a great roll on the gong! keep up the good work for perth alright? :]
jasmine: hey geisha! hahah! i know the pronouciation now k. hahaha! anyway, thanks for the correction for my IOJ part. and yesh! i'll work hard on my rolls on mallets :D aren't you excited bt perth? :D
rebecca: HEY! WOW! your vibes part of animations is really very good! thanks to your numerous practice. i can dare say you practice the MOST among the J1 percs! keep it up! really hope you can go for perth trip knw! cos we need you! everyone in percussion section is important k! :] so quickly decide k!
alrighty. in conclusion, SAJC band rocks! :D woohoo!
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haha! wht a CORYNY ZOK! haha! anyways, soooo tired now. had band prac from like 9 - 9 =] Ftired. but nvm. i'm happy i did abit for GP presentation. :D alright. NIGHTS ppl.
polar ber needs to hibernate