today is Ben&Jerry's free ice-cream cone day! :D wheeee! met up with
Bestie, Desiree, Dickson and Kai at
The Cathay after my violin lesson today :) though i waited for like more than half hour. it was worth it! :DDD my Strawberry Cheesecake ice-cream! and many many hours talking to them :)
Kai, Dickson and Ree
Dickson, Ree and Fnee on the esclator
so yeah! today was a happy day! hopefully tmr will be fine! even though i gotta write a FULL LENGTH GP essay in class :X and there's gna be band. sadness :\
i really felt so sad and depressed for SASMB. but hai, c'mon. must be STRONG! be a man!!! results are not the end of the world! as long as you know you all did your best! :)
anyway, my mouse's battery is running low. i better log off. hehe.
just ended band camp today. though it's not as tiring as the one last december. but it sure tired me out too. after spring cleaning the ENTIRE band room. especially cleaning and packing the section drawers. :X gosh.
Zhi Qi sprained her back while trying to drag the platform away to make space for our sleeping bags. and now she's in pain. gosh, THANK YOU ZHIQI! and may you have a speedy recovery! don't worry k! i'm sure you'll be JUST FINE for concert and SYF :) cos i'll pray extra hard for you! :D
anyway, this band camp is seriously like an alarm suddenly ringing VERY loudly beside your ear and it's really a warning to us that it's high time we turn on our SYF mode. so C'MON EVERYBODY! let's ALL CHIONG towards our ultimate goal!!!! :DD we can do okay! i'm sure we'll pull through! c'mon percussion section! we gotta be steady pom pi pi! WOOHOOOOOO!!! GO GO GO!
ALL THE BEST TO SASMB!!! who will be facing the panel of judicators for SYF tmr morning! and i really hope and wish that they'll return with a Gold with Honours. GO SAS KIDS!
GOOD LUCK TO SAJC GUITAR ENSEMBLE TOO! go kylie! don't be too disappointed k! just perform your best :)
and alrighty, suppose to rest after returning from camp, but came online instead :X
these three days i felt like i was confined and quarantined -____- like lost touch with the outside world. HAHA. but well, it's alright. tmr is back to normal life. i really miss those normal days and normal times when i can just hang out with my class. but i know and keep telling myself that this is SYF period! and i really hope the situation will become better and that i can have those enjoyable times with my class again :(
YesterdayBand Orientation
Pasir Ris Park
Station Master with Sylvia
stationed next to Zhi Qi and Lynette
waiting for groups to come was boring
but quite fun if the groups were enthu
food was good
percussion camped beside the pit and ate our fill, as usual ;)
this is the result of laziness.
Todaywent to Sao Mu with my family
first woke up at 0730 to attend 0915 mass at
Church of St Anthonyafter mass, visited the columbarium where my granny's (dad's mom) ashes are placed at. the FUNNIEST thing that happened this entire week occurred there! cos were were suppose to sprinkle holy water after praying and my mom used a 500ml 100plus bottle to collect the holy water. so common sense tells you you have to use your fingers to cover the hole then sprinkle. my FABULOUS grandma took the bottle and PISH- without covering the hole. so instead of just sprinkling water, she practically gave my granny a SHOWER! GOSH! my bro, sis-in-law and i BURST OUT LAUGHING IMMEDIATELY! it was HILARIOUS! seriously! my bro had to use tissue to dry the entire area. cos she even wet my granny's neighbours. gave all of them a good bath. she used up half the bottle of holy water -_______- goodness.
after that we went out and realised that our car got blocked.
so we gotta wait for another hour for the 11am mass to end :S happiness.
our whole family just sat in the air-conditioned canteen (thankgoodness) and waited for time to pass :X
thankgoodness for my ipod, which i so kindly shared with my brother. hehe.
finally at 1230, we set off for lim chu kang, to visit my grandfathers.
reached my mom's dad first, who's buried at the christian cemetery.
prayed for him.
lit 6 candles for him
gave him some showers of blessing
drove off to my dad's dad side
at the chinese cemetery
prayed for him
lit candles
sprinkled holy water
the people nearby must have been wondering what the hell we were doing. cos usually people who go there to bai bai will burn incense, money and what not. haha!
anyway, went to
Pan Pacific Hotel for lunch at
Hai Tian Lou after everything.
and it feels GREAT to eat there again after such a looong while. while having a good view over IR and the new ferris-wheel. hehe. though nothing much to see cos they're still under construction. food was FANTABULOUS! :D hehe. love the spicy and sour soup! and the dessert, lemon serbet with aloe vera and gui ling gao cubes :)
anyway, think i should sleep soon. in order to face TMR. :X
how i wish mondays will NV come. we should just skip mondays! arhhhhhhhhh! especially when there's PE in the afternoon and it's gonna be NAPFA training. or NAPFA :O and adding to that there's H1!!!! i'm really starting to dread H1! due to certain reasons, like the lecturer... gosh -____-
but no matter what i still gotta wake up in another six hours and face the world :\
practising in a NON-air-conditioned band room with 80 people's body heat radiating and trapped in the small room is NO JOKE. it sucks. thanks to sylvia's brilliant idea of using the Geisha fans we used last year for
Saints Ascencio it kinda lessen our suffering. but seriously, we can advertise band like this : Join Band if you wanna lose weight! You can burn calories while playing an instrument!
haha, i think the heat probably drove us crazy. today
Jasmine and I were making a fool of ourselves by singing along to her triangle tune. haha! and our PhD holder in Cabasa, Jasmine Chiam was teaching me how to do a cabasa roll. and boy, it is not easy man. haha!
anyway, reached home at 9+pm yesterday and today. :X cos of band prac. well, should go sleep soon. since tomorrow's is
Good Friday and gotta go church. hai, sad day tmr. thank God for sacrificing his only Son to die for us. :)
i should really be thankful of what Jesus had done for us in order for us to live till now. so yeah, i should really count my blessings. and yes! LIVE A HAPPY LIFE BER! even though things might seem tough now. i know i can pull through! :D cos i've still got friends and family! :) YESSSSS!!!!
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comthis will be the MOST IMPORTANT in my life now. other than friends. then it's BT2, prelims, then As. :X
i shall stop thinking too much and worry about my GP essay now. it's like due tmr. and i havnt even STARTED or even thought about the qn :X alright. off i go.